Chesapeake Virginia
2625 Indian River Rd Chesapeake, VA 23325
(757) 271-3952
How Addiction Recovery Works and How We Can Help
You may have hit rock bottom and are not sure where to turn. You’ve lost your job, alienated your family and friends, and only think about your next fix, but you are still unsure about taking the plunge and admitting yourself into a drug rehab facility. However, you are quickly realizing that there are worse scenarios that might happen if you don’t. These scenarios include many unfortunately possibilities, including overdosing on the very drugs you are craving. It’s time for a change.
Our drug rehab centers are here to help you. When you understand exactly what happens during your stint in a drug detox clinic, you are more than likely to commit to recovering in one. Read on to learn what we do and how an addiction recovery program will change your life around for the better.
Caring Faculty and Staff
The men and women who work in our addiction treatment facility come highly recommended and with many credentials. Our staff has worked tirelessly with dozens of other clients in order to change their lives around and get them off drugs and alcohol. They understand the struggle to maintain a sober lifestyle and are committed to helping every client that comes through our addiction treatment center.
Individualized Services
Our addiction recovery center is not a “one-size-fits-all” facility. We believe that you should have a voice when it comes to your therapy and treatment choices. We encourage you to speak up during your rehab and ask for help as needed. Our substance abuse treatment facility offers a wide range of therapy solutions that will fit the needs of every client.
Supervision During your Detox
Detoxing off of the drugs you have been taking can be a difficult process, both mentally and physically. We offer 24/7 supervision during this difficult time for every client in our addiction recovery facility. You will never be alone when you are dealing with the symptoms of withdrawal, no matter how mild or severe they may be. Our doctors, nurses and support staff are on call for any reason you need them to be, whether it is for the physical symptoms you are feeling or the emotional ones.
Mental Health Treatment
You may be struggling with a co-occurring mental health issue. You should always be treated for these problems while you undergo your treatment for addiction. Our comprehensive addiction treatment facility has the resources necessary to provide you with intensive treatment for whatever your mental health issues might be. This is a dual diagnosis approach that will help you overcome your addiction one step at a time.
Therapy and Support
Addiction doesn’t just affect the person who is using, it also affects their family. Your parents and extended family members have likely struggled just as much as you have as your addiction worsened. Family members often play a large role in addiction recovery and could be a positive force during your time with us. We offer therapy sessions and workshops that revolve around mending broken families who have been torn apart by drug use.
Group Therapy Options
You’ll meet many other clients during your time in our facility. These men and women are not only a support system during your time in our program but also an ongoing support system once you leave. Spending time with peers during your addiction recovery will help to encourage you through the more difficult times of your stay. This also gives you an opportunity to share your feelings, concerns, worries and more in a safe setting, free of judgments and criticism. Many clients report that connecting with others who are dealing with the same problems as they are was one of the highlights of their stay in our addiction recovery facility. Some go on to make lifelong friends who support one another through difficult times when the urge to use is strong.